Shadow of a Chance (1974)

Jean-Pierre Mocky

Main cast
Jean-Pierre Mocky; Marianne Eggerickx; Jenny Arasse; Robert Benoît

Comedy, Drama

Jean-Pierre Mocky plays Mathias, an anarchist who lives with his 27 year old son, Michel, in late 60s type communal weirdness. He behaves as a dissolute if strangely attractive old soak (and seems to do it for the younger gals as a consequence). They each have girlfriends- Michel has the beautiful Odile (Marianne Eggerickx) and Mathias has the older but still raunchy Sandra (Jenny Arasse). South Bank oddballs come and go, doubtless discussing the latest plans for French appeasement of whoever the leading and latest anti-Western regime happens to be. Eventually the inevitable happens and the younger Odile falls for the older Mathias. With tragic results.

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