Fodboldpræsten (1951)

Alice O'Fredericks

Main cast
Jørgen Reenberg; Grethe Thordahl; Ib Schønberg; Peter Malberg; Helga Frier

Family, Comedy

-Søren Holm bliver præst i den lille by Harslev. Sognerådsformanden fru Andersen blander sig i præstefamiliens privatliv, og da Søren, for at komme i tale med byens mandlige ungdom, spiller med i en fodboldkamp, bliver fru Andersen gal. Halvdelen af sognet vender Søren ryggen. Men Søren gør et godt arbejde for ungdommen og efterhånden bliver han med degnens mellemkomst både accepteret af sognerådet og af byens ungdom.

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The four-inch-tall Clock family secretly share a house with the normal-sized Lender family, "borrowing" such items as thread, safety pins, batteries and scraps of food. However, their peaceful co-existence is disturbed when evil lawyer Ocious P. Potter steals the will granting title to the house, which he plans to demolish in order to build apartments. The Lenders are forced to move, and the Clocks face the risk of being exposed to the normal-sized world.
An alliance of evil-doers, led by Frieda, looks to take over Fairy Tale Land. But when Ella realizes her stepmother is out to ruin her storybook existence, she takes a dramatic turn and blossoms into the leader of the resistance effort.
The tale of three unlikely heroes - a misfit mouse who prefers reading books to eating them, an unhappy rat who schemes to leave the darkness of the dungeon, and a bumbling servant girl with cauliflower ears - whose fates are intertwined with that of the castle's princess.
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Abbott and Costello's version of the famous fairy tale, about a young boy who trades the family cow for magic beans.
Best friends Tod, a fox kit, and Copper, a hound puppy, visit a country fair when they see a band of dogs called "The Singin' Strays". The band has five members: Dixie, Cash, Granny Rose, and twin brothers Waylon and Floyd. It is important that they perform well because a talent scout is visiting.
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Three brothers leave their home to see the world. During their journey, young men as by miracle enter into famous fairy tales (Little Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Twelve Months) and face traps, unexpected moments and even love in a story full of humor and songs.
Folkekomedie frit bygget over den danske opfinder og flypionér Jacob Christian Ellehammers karriere. Man følger Ellehammer, hans tro assistent Pehtersen og hans tålmodige kone i kamp mod kreditorer og almindelig latterliggørelse, indtil Ellehammer d. 12. september 1906 som den første i Europa får en flyvemakine på vingerne på øen Lindholm.
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The inimitable Danny Kaye stars as famed storyteller Hans Christian Andersen in this charming fictionalized biopic that blends music, romance, comedy and fantasy to trace the life of Denmark's literary hero. A small-town shoemaker with a knack for spinning yarns, Hans encounters happiness and heartbreak on his road to becoming a full-fledged writer.
An anthology of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen: "The Little Mermaid," "The Emperor's New Clothes," "Thumbelina" and "The Garden of Paradise."
När Bamse äter Farmors märkliga dunder-honung blir han världens starkaste björn. Världens snällaste björn är han alltid. Tillsammans med vännerna Lille Skutt och Skalman ger han sig ut på många spännande äventyr. På Farmors vind hittar Bamse och Lille Skutt en flygande matta. Den flyger iväg med dem till okända platser. Målet för resan är en borg ovanför molnen. Där bor en elak trollkarl.
When the Snow Queen, a lonely and powerful fairy, kidnaps the human boy Kay, his best friend Gerda must overcome many obstacles on her journey to rescue him.
The story of a beautiful mermaid who gave up a kingdom for her beloved prince.
A fictionalized account of the young life of Hans Christian Andersen, a young man with a penchant for storytelling but struggles to find his place in the world and gain the affection of the woman he adores. Interspersed throughout are brief interludes of the stories that will make Hans famous (The Nightingale, The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen to name a few), which are intertwined with the events that surround his own life.
Carpenter Andersen and Santa Claus makes a deal which saves Christmas for them both.
I Morgenthalers frugtroadmovie er Torben et struttende blankskinnende æble med en drøm: At lykkes som udstillingsæble i frugtafdelingens strålende rampelys. Livsdrømmen knuses, da en orm en solskinsmorgen stikker sit hoved ud gennem Torbens blanke skind. Torben rystes ned fra træet af de panikslagne andre æbler. Nede på jorden møder han æblevennen Newton, og han må nu i følgeskab med Newton udføre en halsbrækkende plan for at slippe af med ormen, som for resten hedder Silvia og er meget flink.
The young daughter of a politician runs away due to lack of attention. She hides in the car of two not too bright crooks who are slowly converted into parent figures as the police web closes down on the supposed kidnappers.
Adaptation of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, about an emperor who prefers the tinkling of a bejeweled mechanical bird to the song of a real nightingale. When the Emperor is near death, the nightingale's song restores his health.
Two children, Gerda and Kay, overcome the evil intentions of the Snow Queen with human love and a capacity to fight fear. Based on a story by Hans Christian Andersen.
Based on the famous fairytale "The Tinderbox" by Hans Christian Andersen.
Retelling of the classic Hans Christian Andersen fairytale 'The Little Mermaid'.
The Royal Ballet Company brings Squirrel Nutkin, Tom Thumb, Hunca Munca, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Jeremy Fisher, Pigling Bland, and Pigwig to the screen doing pirouettes and pas de deux in this filmed ballet production directed by Reginald Mills. The film more properly belongs, however, to choreographer Frederick Ashmore, composer John Lanchbery, and costume designer Rostislav Douboujinsky. This literal adaptation concerns the shy Beatrix Potter and how, when all of the toy animals in her room come to life, she emerges from her shell and begins to enjoy life. Sequences include a rowdy dance with Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca destroying a collection of plaster food, a midnight pas de deux between Pigling Bland and Pigwig, and a corps de ballet of dancing mice.
Bag de røde porte ligger Dyrehaven med de grønne bøge og den berømte dyrehavsbakke - gøglernes brogede verden. Professor Labardi står bag den populære sangerindepavillon, hvor hans unge datter, Gulnare, optræder. Efter en regnfuld sommer er der økonomisk lavvande på Bakken, og familien er fristet til at søge hjælp hos Gulnares foretagsomme bejler, Carlo Petersen. Men Professor Labardi bærer på en hemmelighed: gøglerfamilien har slægtsbånd til den fine juristverden uden for portene Der er konflikt, pengetransaktioner, kærlighed, skinsyge og skurkestreger, når den fine verden og bakkefolket mødes. Bag De Røde Porte er en forrygende folkekomedie, der tager os med bag attraktionerne på den traditionsrige forlystelsespark i Klampenborg.
Den gamle godsejer Vilhelm Stone har på grund af svaghed for kvinder og spil ødelagt sit ægteskab, mistet sin søn og sine venner. Men da han dør, vender sønnen Niels hjem fra Australien for at overtage godset. Så let går det dog ikke. Sagførere trækker arvesagen i langdrag, og i første omgang arver Niels kun galophesten Ibrahim. Niels satser hårdt på at vinde årets store løb på galopbanen, og det er her Poul Reichhardt synger den berømte schlager Ibrahim til sin hest.. I kampen for at få familie-godset får Niels utrolig hjælp af sin tro følgesvend, karlen Nicholajsen.
Martin vender hjem med en god sum penge på lommen efter at han har arbejdet på Grønland. Han slår sig ned hos sin søster, der driver kroen - men meget er ændret. Mest skuffet er han over, at hans ungdomskæreste Martha har giftet sig med Just Hovmand, som har gården ´Lunehøj´. Martin starter en maskinstation - og er straks klar til at hjælpe Martha og hendes mand, da de kommer i økonomiske vanskeligheder. Men den stædige Just vil ikke modtage penge fra Marthas tidligere kæreste. Som sædvanlig i en god Morten Korch-film er der et par hyggelige ´fætre´ - Chr. Arhoff og Peter Malberg - og de finder på mange gode løsninger...
When her father unexpectedly passes away, young Ella finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and her daughters. Never one to give up hope, Ella's fortunes begin to change after meeting a dashing stranger in the woods.
The sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry kicks off with a bang for young Harry Potter when he inadvertently discovers a mysterious book that sheds light on the sordid life of the evil Lord Voldemort. Preparing for inevitable battle, Harry and Dumbledore turn to professor Horace Slughorn for help in pinpointing the weakness in Voldemort's forces.
12-year-old Dre Parker could have been the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother's latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately falls for his classmate Mei Ying but the cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Even worse, Dre's feelings make him an enemy of the class bully, Cheng. With no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr. Han, who is a kung fu master. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his life.
14-year-old Arrietty and the rest of the Clock family live in peaceful anonymity as they make their own home from items "borrowed" from the house's human inhabitants. However, life changes for the Clocks when a human boy discovers Arrietty.
Arctic Tale is a 2007 documentary film from the National Geographic Society about the life cycle of a walrus and her calf, and a polar bear and her cubs, in a similar vein to the 2005 hit production March of the Penguins, also from National Geographic.
Uncle Remus draws upon his tales of Brer Rabbit to help little Johnny deal his confusion over his parents' separation as well as his new life on the plantation.
A fairy-tale about an old lady who takes care of snow and Jakub who does not fear death. It reflects the idea of people's longing for happiness, love and understanding, their effort to overcome troubles and win over death. It criticizes greed and evil desires.
Alex Pearson has a lot to learn about teamwork. As the star of the Lemon Oaks hockey team, Alex almost always has his way on and off the ice. That ism until he pulls a stunt so outrageous not even his own coach can give him a pass. His punishment? Suspension from the team, a never-ending list of chores and a job watching his little sister Emily after school.
Rebecca's Uncle Harry leaves her with Aunt Miranda who forbids her to associate with show people. But neighbor Anthony Kent is a talent scout who secretly set it up for her to broadcast.
The film follows a shy, talented musician who pens romantic hip-hop verses only to stand idly by as they're delivered to the girl of his dreams by a proxy, his best friend. Made for Disney Channel movie/
Elle wants to be a singer/songwriter, but her dreams are cut short by the sudden death of her parents. She moves in with her adoptive uncle, who runs a small independent record label whose biggest act, Sensation, is also Elle's biggest pain.

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